Bible Success Secrets

Bible verses about wealth

Here are Bible verses on how God can bless those who have a heart for him financially. It’s important as Christian especially in...


Awesome message: Carl Lentz on how to love people unconditionally like Jesus Christ

Carl Lentz the pastor of Hillsong NYC shares with Liberty University students how to develop the unconditional love for people like Jesus Christ....


Inspirational movie clip of the week: “Noah movie” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

Be inspired by this movie clip of the week, in this video segment Noah played by Russell Crowe in the biblical biopic of...

Top Ten Lists

Top 20 Christian biographies

Gain encouragement, insight and godly wisdom from these inspirational biographies of men of women of Faith.


How to redeem lost time

Imagine life span of an 80 year old, and how many hours that would constitute. Do you know that 80 years on earth is approximately 700,000 hours? It’s not that...

Strategic Advice

16 Billionaires Who Love Jesus

Words of Wisdom from Self-Made Christian Billionaire & Millionaire Entrepreneurs (Very Inspirational).

Top Ten Lists

6 books to read before you marry

We have compiled a list of six essential relationship books to equip singles looking to discover their life partner and guide them into having...


How to improve your life – Jordan Peterson

Insightful video on practical ways to improve your life by Jordan Bernt Peterson who is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of...


How to secure your child’s online reputation on social media

Social media has quickly become a platform where employers get to find out more about their staff and job applicants. But given the...


The battle field in your mind – How to change your attitude

Where the mind goes the body follows! – In order to progress in life you must learn to win in the battle field...

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