
72 Gospel songs to add to your gym workout playlist

It’s important in the process of personal development that we constantly grow in all aspects of our lives, mentally, spiritually and physically. When...


Former drug addict Rock star turns to Jesus

Find out how Brian “Head” Welch, the ex leading guitarist of rock-metal band Korn hit rock bottom to receiving a complete transformation by...

Strategic Advice

Steve Harvey explains how easy it is to make a million dollars

Television host and actor Steve Harvey offers a simple advice process on how anyone can make a million dollars. Steve Harvey is a...


A must watch! Dr. Ben Carson on the infinite power of the human brain

Dr. Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon who was the first surgeon to successfully separate conjoined twins joined at the head explains to Liberty University...


Prudent woman of the week: The Kay Robertson story “How to win your family back”

We’ve most likely heard that saying, behind every successful man lays a successful woman; this expression is certainly true in Kay Robertson case....


100 time management tips for professionals

Below is a list of 100 effective strategies and tips to ensure you lead a productive day and enable you to achieve your...

Celebrities in Christ

Interview with Colonel Sanders, founder of KFC – Success story

In 1976 the late Colonel Sanders the founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken food chain appeared on the Jim Bakker show to speak about...


Powerful speech! Lecrae reminds Liberty students that the earth Is the LORDS!!!

Christian recording artist and multiple-Grammy winner Lecrae urges Christians at students at Liberty University to use their God given gift to serve and...


Persistent prayer brings everlasting breakthrough – Meditate on this scripture!!

Leading a life of a believer, it’s highly essential that we communicate to God regularly on a daily basis through prayer, just like...

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