Celebrities in Christ

17 famous celebrities who love Jesus Christ

Words of wisdom from born-again Christians in Hollywood and the entertainment world. Be inspired to spread the gospel in your sphere of influence.

Strategic Advice

Art Williams – Becoming a billionaire is easy!

Self-made billionaire and born-again Christian Art Williams reveals why you don’t need to compromise your personal moral ethics to succeed in business. He...

Inspirational Quotes

Generous people always prosper! – Bible verses on the rewards of helping the poor and needy

Be inspired to use your gifts, talents and resources to help you brothers and sisters in need. You can never go wrong by...


Five Things You Shouldn’t Include In Your Resume

Don’t do these things on your resume if you want to be a success – read on and learn.


If you want to receive greater rewards, take more risks like these Maasai warriors

Be inspired to challenge yourself to confront your fears in order to achieve your objectives in life. Hopefully this video should remind you...


This is why God doesn’t want you to worry

Calvinist Baptist John Piper shares insight why God is not pleased when we worry, this explanation should give you an insight on how...


30-story building completed in 15 days

If God created the Heavens and the earth in 6 days and these construction workers built a 30-story building in 15 days in...

Inspirational Quotes

33 inspirational quotes from Dr. Ben Carson

33 mind-blowing quotes from Dr. Ben Carson. Find out the mindset that transformed Ben Carson’s life, from a poor performing student to one...


Feed your subconscious mind daily with these empowering affirmations (Audio Inside)

Proverbs 23:7 says, For as he thinks in his heart, so is he, meaning our belief systems is a determining factor of where...


Seek knowledge – Zimbabwe’s richest man, Strive Masiyiwa reveals his favorite business book of all time on Facebook

Strive Masiyiwa the founder of Econet Wireless, is known as one of African most generous humanitarians, using his wealth to provide scholarships to...

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