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Becoming highly influential is a skill, and you can learn it! – John Maxwell on how to lead from the front

John C. Maxwell is arguably one of the top leadership strategists in the world. He sold millions of book including many which have...


How much would your life improve, if you tried your very best? (Be inspired by this movie clip)

This weeks inspirational movie scene is extracted from a Christian based movie titled “Facing the Giants”, this scene will hopefully inspire you to push yourself...


Inspirational business documentary – Jiro Dreams of Sushi

JIRO DREAMS OF SUSHI documents the life story of 85-year-old Jiro Ono, who is known to be the world’s greatest Sushi Chef. He...


Mind-blowing leadership lessons from T.D Jakes (This message is very Inspirational)

Bishop T.D Jakes of The Potter’s House gives an impactful speech on the true secret of becoming an outstanding leader in business and...


33 exciting ways to improve your lifestyle (Part 1)

Here is a list of over 33 ways to improve your daily lives, the tips are simple but if you consistently put these...


(A Must Watch) – Dr. Henry Cloud on Why You Should Never Go Backwards

Listen to Dr. Henry Cloud share profound wisdom on how to radically shift your life on purpose by breaking out of the hindering...


Is it possible to develop sky-high confidence?

Throughout history there have been evidence to illustrate the point that intelligence alone does not turn individual to extraordinary achievers, but success comes...


Man didn’t invent the ‘to-do list’! God did: (check this out)

Food for thought: Man didn’t invent the ‘to-do list’ God did! DAY 1 – Create Heavens and Earth. Make it revolve in a...


Billionaire, Walter Wang turns philanthropist after Jesus healed him from cancer

After surviving a rare form of cancer, self-made Billionaire Walter Wang uses his wealth and personal time to provide living water to a...

Inspirational QuotesSuccess

Find out what these famous history makers had to say about Jesus

Find out what leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, and sadistic villains like Hitler had to say about Jesus Christ.

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