Henry John Heinz, the visionary founder of the HJ Heinz Company, left an indelible mark on the world of business and faith. Over...
ByAdminNovember 27, 2023As a faith-based website, Smartandrelentless.com believes in the power of hope and faith. With this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 10...
ByAdminApril 25, 2023Iconic standup comedian and TV host, Steve Harvey breaks down how he struggled for years until he finally succeeded.
ByAdminFebruary 2, 2021Inspiring interview with Colonel Sanders the founder of KFC, one of the most successful fast food chains in history.
ByAdminJune 22, 202010 highly successful African American leaders who succeeded in times of slavery. This video is created for one reason – to encourage you...
ByAdminJune 19, 2020Find out how Derek Amato become a musical genius overnight.
ByAdminJune 13, 2020We are more than conquerors through Christ.
ByAdminJune 1, 2020Who was the Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa?
ByAdminMay 28, 2020This will close in 0 seconds