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Breaking down barriers! – How did Harriet Tubman set herself free from slavery?

A short biography of American abolitionist and humanitarian, Harriet Tubman,  find out how she rose above slavery to become one of America’s famous heroic...

Inspirational QuotesRelationships

15 essential Bible verses for singles seeking marriage – Tips for finding your life partner

15 essential bible verses for single Christians looking to find their life partner. Find out God’s intentions on marriage.

Strategic Advice

Successful entrepreneurs who started late! – Proof that your age is not a barrier

Video of successful entrepreneurs who made it later in life. Let this compilation inspire you to rise beyond the setbacks and challenges you...

Inspirational Quotes

Essential Bible verses on how guardian angels protect you from evil

We’ve compiled essential Bible verses related to guardian angel, let these scripture encourage you to live with boldness and confidence.

Strategic Advice

Business tip of the day – Give more in value than you receive in pay

Kentucky Fried Chicken founder, the late, Colonel Sanders on the importance of being diligent and adding more value than you receive in pay.


The easiest way to speak the Chinese language faster! – Invest in your future

Are you looking for a fast, simple way to learn Chinese? Rocket Languages has the solution. Available on virtually any device, Rocket Chinese...

Celebrities in Christ

Awesome testimony – Jesus Christ pulled former boxing champ, George Foreman out his body!!

Former boxing Champ, George Forman shares his testimony on how Jesus Christ set him from the spirit of suicide.

Inspirational Quotes

22 Inspiration success quotes from famous Christian celebrities

22 inspiration success quotes from Christian celebrities from athletes to musicians.


Dr. Ben Carson on how powerful your mind is – Are you ready to tap into the possibilities?

Veteran Neurosurgeon and bestselling author, Ben Carson explains how powerful the mind is and how to benefit from it.

Inspirational Quotes

Joyce Meyer on how to win the battle in your mind – 30 Quotes on positive thinking

30 empowering quotes on how to renew your mind by Christian author and speaker, Joyce Meyer. Find out how to cultivate victorious thoughts.

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