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Celebrities in Christ

Amazing Christian testimony from The Undertaker

Legendary WWE superstar wrestler “The Undertaker” (Mark Calaway) shares his mind-blowing testimony on how became a Christian in an interview with ED Young...


The Devil in Hollywood – Exposed

Nicole Abisinio exposes the demonic spirit in Hollywood and media.

Financial Investments

How to buy a house in less than 7 days with no money down – Watch this documentary

Property millionaire entrepreneur, Samuel Leeds guides Evans Willie who at the time was living in a single room in his wife’s house with...


100 super fun activities to prevent boredom in lockdown

If you find yourself constantly bored in lockdown here are 100 fun things you can do for maximum enjoyment.


If you suffer from low self-esteem you need to read this!

Will you embrace the truths that free you from your past shame and limitations? Or, like a dog returning to its vomit, will...


The spirit of Jezebel explained

Insight about the Jezebel spirit and why you should never tolerate it in your life.


60 reasons why you should write daily to-do lists if you want to improve your life this year

One of the most common traits of high achievers within any endeavor is their ability to manage time effectively.


The Life of Mariam Mola Documentary – A career con artist scamming the church! – Catch Her If You Can

 Catch Her If You Can is a BBC documentary based on the life of Mariam “Mola” Mbula a self proclaimed entrepreneur –...

Celebrities in Christ

Matthew McConaughey finally opens up! – Why I didn’t speak to my mom for 8 years

Hollywood actor Matthew Mcconaughey reveals on the Howard Stern show why it tool him 8 years to forgive his mom.

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