Home Faith Top ten famous scientists who believe in God
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Top ten famous scientists who believe in God


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    In the present times, science is the most influential knowledge that has altered human thinking altogether. Normally there is a perception that scientist are not supposed to have faith in God, because of ever increasing numbers of so called atheists in the field of science.

    We’ve compiled a list of inspirational scientist who believe in God.

    Top ten influential Christian scientists

    1. Prof. John Lennox (1943)

    John Lennox

    Image source – Alchetron.com

    John Carson Lennox is a Northern Irish, scientist, philosopher of science, Christian apologist and professor of mathematics at the University of Oxford. He is a Pastoral Advisor of Fellow Wycliffe hall and Templeton College. He is a pioneering voice in defending the importance of the collaboration between science and religion.

    2. Mike Hulme (1960)

    Mike Hulme

    Image source – Cigionline.org

    He is a prominent American physician-geneticists who is most recognized for his ground-breaking research of human DNA, discovering genes associated with several diseases. He is also a leader at the Human Genome Project, a science initiative with the overall objective to determine the base pairs that make up human DNA.

    3. Francis Collins (1950)

    Francis Collins

    Image source: Truefreethinker.com

    4. George Washington Carver (1860s -1943)

    George Washington Carver

    George Washington Carver was an African American botanist credited for revolutionizing the agriculture of southern parts of the United States.

    Carver put his efforts to revolutionize agricultural science with the cultivation of soil-enriching crops, like soybeans and peanuts to revive the land that had been depleted of nutrients from cotton farming. He discovered 100 uses for sweet potato and 300 for peanuts and created many more inventions.

    George Washington Carver was a devoted believer in God in his own words – “The method is revealed to me the moment I am inspired to create something new. Without God to draw aside the curtain I would be helpless.”

    5. Raymond Vahan Damadian (1936)

    Raymond Damadian Pan

    Image source – Inc.com

    Raymond Vahan Damadian is an American of Armenian descent, he is a physician, medical practitioner, and the inventor of the first Magnetic Resonance scanning machine. His research with potassium and sodium in the living cells made him able to do his experiments with a nuclear magnetic resonance which led him to first propose the first MR body scanner in 1969.

    6. John Polkinghorne (1930)

    John Polkinghorne

    Image source: Biologos.org

    John Charlton Polkinghorne is a British theoretical physicist, writer, theologian, and Anglican priest. From 1968 to 1979 he was a professor of Mathematical Physics at the University of Cambridge. He was knighted in 1997 received the 1 million-pounds Templeton prize in 2002.

    7. Sir John Houghton (1931)

    Sir John Houghton

    Image source – Hopeforcreation.com.au

    Sir John Theodore Houghton is a scientist from Wales, he was the co-chair of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s assessment group of scientific working. He was the chief editor of the first three IPCC reports.

    8. Mart Baker Eddy (1821-1910)

    Mary Baker Eddy

    Image source: Twaineddyfilm.com

    Mart Baker Eddy was an opinion maker American writer, teacher and religious activist, prominent for his revolutionary ideas about spirituality and health, which she called Christian Science. These ideas were included in her book published in 1875 titled Science and Health with Key to Scriptures.

    9. Francis Bacon

    Was an English philosopher who in his time rejected the doctrine of atheism.  Francis Bacon is regarded as the father of empiricism, which is a theory that all knowledge of the world is based on experiences, especially from your senses.

    There are tons of Christian scientists you’ve probably never heard of from Lise Meitner, Galileo, Johannes Kepler, Stanley Jaki, and the list goes on.

    10. Isaac Newton – Born in 1643

    Isaac Newton is regarded as the greatest and most famous scientist to ever live who formulated the laws of motions and universal gravitation. However, what many don’t know is that he spent more time engaging his efforts in theology than science. He wrote about 1.3 million words on biblical topics and spent time trying to discover hidden messages within the Bible.

    In his own words “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who set the planets in motion. God governs all things and knows all that is or can be done”


    • Awais Ahmed Azad

      Awais Ahmed Azad is a writer and university lecturer from Pakistan, he has studied History, Philosophy and Industrial Design at University of the Punjab and University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore. He has great love for history, religion, politics and philosophy and has written for many magazines and literary websites in Urdu, English and Punjabi languages. He also has contributed to Wikipedia with his articles in the fields of Religion, History, Politics and Philosophy. He aspires to have a major contribution in these fields in future, he is keenly interested in the research of affairs of Middle East and studies of civilizations. He believes that knowledge and faith in God is the only torch that can illuminate the future of our coming generations.

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      Written by
      Awais Ahmed Azad

      Awais Ahmed Azad is a writer and university lecturer from Pakistan, he has studied History, Philosophy and Industrial Design at University of the Punjab and University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore. He has great love for history, religion, politics and philosophy and has written for many magazines and literary websites in Urdu, English and Punjabi languages. He also has contributed to Wikipedia with his articles in the fields of Religion, History, Politics and Philosophy. He aspires to have a major contribution in these fields in future, he is keenly interested in the research of affairs of Middle East and studies of civilizations. He believes that knowledge and faith in God is the only torch that can illuminate the future of our coming generations.

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