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Home Inspirational Quotes Quote of the day – T.D Jakes – “Risk feeling awkward”
Inspirational Quotes

Quote of the day – T.D Jakes – “Risk feeling awkward”

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    Quote of the day – T.D Jakes on getting out your comfort zone.

    Extracted from
    We tend to sink into our own little worlds, keeping to the people we know, places we like and ideas we’re comfortable with hearing.

    “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always be where you’ve always been,” he says, leaning forward. “People become creatures of habit so easily. We get up, we go to work, we come home, we shop at the same grocery store, we drive on the same street. Get out of the box and see what else is out there that would impassion you and inspire you. Stop hanging with the same people. Get in another circle. Risk feeling awkward. Get out of your comfort zone. Get in a room full of people where you don’t know what is appropriate to say. If you always walk with people who look like you and dress like you and think like you and vote like you, you’re going to die of boredom. All of creation exists through cross-pollination, and that’s when different things come together to be fruitful.”

    Recommended book – TD Jakes – Destiny – Click here

    Destiny book



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