Financial Investments

Here’s the Biblical way to build family wealth

The Bible illustrates the importance of leaving a legacy for the next generation and your future family lineage, especially in the Old Testament...


We’ve all been blessed with remarkable gifts and talents! – Meet the human calculator

We’ve all been blessed with unique gifts and talents, but it’s up to us to cultivate them. Meet Scott Flansburg also known has...

Strategic Advice

25 rags to riches stories to inspire you

Your circumstances in life does not determine the level of success you can achieve today or in the future, be encouraged to increase...


Who owns the earth?

Inspirational Quotes

The tongue has the power of life and death!!! 23 Bible verses on overcoming anxiety

Be empowered by meditating on these Bible verses on overcoming anxiety. Worrying is a state of mind, but if you learn to think...

Inspirational Quotes

Find out what these famous historic figures had to say about Jesus Christ

Find out what leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Napoleon Bonaparte, Albert Einstein, and sadistic villains like Hitler had to say about Jesus Christ.

Inspirational Quotes

Quotes by Pastor Sunday Adelaja on leadership

Influential leadership quotes from Pastor Sunday Adelaja the founder of The Embassy of God, which is the largest church and ministry in Europe....


Wow, The largest African-American business was established by a Sunday school teacher

David L Steward the founder of Worldwide Technology explains how to build a billion dollar company without compromising your value system. MR Steward...

Inspirational Quotes

Bible verses about breaking bad habits

The key to self-control is to first meditate on scriptures dealing with self-control and to put what you’ve studied into practice because faith...

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