Inspirational Quotes

Words of wisdom from the worlds most Influential Christian Women (Part 1)

Words of wisdom from influential women leaders in Christ!


Amazing Christian business testimony

Founder of Hobby Lobby, David Green gives insight on how he built a billion dollar arts and craft company by applying hard work and...

Inspirational Quotes

Breaking down barriers! – Inspirational quotes by David and Jason Benham

Inspirational quotes by David and Jason Benham, the twin entrepreneurs who built one of the most successful real estate niche companies in America, BENHAM...


Twelve practical ways to stay focused – Say goodbye to procrastination!

Twelve simple tips to keep you focused throughout the day.


What Is Faith?

Jefferson Bethke explains the definition of true faith and how to cultivate it.

Celebrities in Christ

Is it possible to succeed in Hollywood without selling your soul? – DeVon Franklin

Film producer, DeVon Franklin shares his remarkable testimony with Andrews University on how succeeded in hollywood without comprimising his faith based value system.


Smart & Relentless mastermind and networking events on it’s way (Sign up for free)

Join the Smart and Relentless mastermind group today to enhance your effectiveness in the world.

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