Inspirational Quotes

30 uplifting affirmations using Bible verses

30 empowering faith based affirmations worth meditating on.

Celebrities in ChristInspirational Quotes

10 empowering quotes by Mark Burnett, President of MGM Television

Inspirational quotes by television producer Mark Burnett, the creator of The Apprentice, Survivor, Bible series and many more.

Celebrities in Christ

Fight against porn – Five celebrities tell it all!

Five celebrities share their experience with porn including Terry Crews, Rashida Jones and more.

Business Ideas

How to start a successful media company from scratch according to Glenn Beck – “Go against the titans”

American television personality and the founder of The Blaze, Glenn Beck shares insight on what it takes to independently run a successful media...


Beautiful rendition of How Great Thou Art by Elvis

Amazing live rendition of the gospel song, How Great Thou Art by Elvis Presley. Many are unaware that the Rock and Roll legend started...


New biopic about McDonald’s beginnings! – Check out the movie trailer

Written by Robert Siegel, THE FOUNDER is a drama that tells the true story of how Ray Kroc (Michael Keaton), a salesman from...


Celebrities in Christ! – Infographic

This infographic includes the top celebrities who are most vocal about their Christian faith.

Inspirational Quotes

Quote of the day – T.D Jakes – “Risk feeling awkward”

Quote of the day – T.D Jakes on getting out your comfort zone.


Shop Assistant calls on “Jesus” for help during robbery – Watch what happens next!

“No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants...


Food for thought: 8 vital foods which are good for your brain

We all know that eating well has many benefits to our physical health, but we should never undervalue its importance on our mental...

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