Top Ten Lists

Top 8 high-paying dirty jobs

We live in a society today where people crave instant gratification, with the ambitions of finding overnight success in industries with glitzy lifestyle appeal from fashion...


The pros and cons of higher education from a graduates perspective

Many people enter higher education because they want to get into a good career after they complete their studies. Over the duration of...


Video sermon – What the devil don’t want you to know

Senior pastor of Harvest Christian gives tips on how to not fall into the deception of the devil and how to resist temptations.


Lecrae gives relationship advice to career driven singles

Rapper and Christian activist shares relationship advice to career driven singles.


Article – The greatest way to purify your toxic thoughts

Here are practical ways to renew your mind, gain purity and transform your life in the process.


From oil tycoon to the Archbishop of Canterbury

The Telegraph breaks down how Justin Welby transistioned from oil executive to becoming  the Archbishop of Canterbury.


How to use your gifts for God’s glory! – Trip Lee shows how

Pastor and Gospel rapper, Trip Lee reveals how to use your gifts to serve God purposefully.

Inspirational QuotesRelationships

12 prayer points for Christian singles – Attracting your life partner

Prayer warrior Elisha Goodman share 12 effective prayer points for Christian singles looking to find their God given spouse.

Inspirational Quotes

21 Inspiring quotes about moving outside your comfort zone

21 Inspiring quotes about the power of moving outside your comfort zone. Be determined to not allow your past experiences hold you back from being...


How to fall in love with Bible study according to George Muller

Many believers struggle to read their Bible on a consistent basis due to many reasons, we reveal practical ways to fall in love with Bible studying by...

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