Home Inspiration How do you go from night club promoter to solving Africa’s water problem?

How do you go from night club promoter to solving Africa’s water problem?


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    Nick Gumbel sits down with Scott Harrison, the CEO and founder Charity Water, which distributes safe drinking water to millions of people in the developing nations.

    In this interview the ex-club promoter explains how he was able to transition himself from living in the fast lane, indulging in drugs, dating models to becoming a full time humanitarian. This interview will certainly inspire you to want to change your world.

    In nine years, with the help of more than 500,000 donors worldwide, charity: water has raised over $207 million and funded over 19,000 water projects in 24 countries. When completed, those projects will provide over 6.18 million people with clean, safe drinking water.

    “It’s humbling, challenging and an honor to be able to serve those in need. I try to live by a verse found in James 1:27 of the Bible. It says that “true religion is this: to look after widows and orphans in their distress, and to keep one’s self from being polluted by the world.” – Scott Harrison

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