Home Celebrities in Christ Hollywood cancelled me for playing Jesus
Celebrities in Christ

Hollywood cancelled me for playing Jesus


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    Actor Jim Caviezel opens up about the challenges he faced in Hollywood after portraying Jesus in the iconic film, The Passion of the Christ.

    Despite facing backlash and being blocked from certain movie and TV roles due to his portrayal, Caviezel remains steadfast in his faith and encourages other believers to do the same. Through his powerful testimony, Caviezel reminds us that standing firm in our beliefs and values is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

    He urges us to stay true to ourselves and to God, even when facing rejection or opposition from those around us. As we watch this video, we are inspired by Caviezel’s unwavering commitment to his faith and his willingness to speak out about the importance of staying true to our convictions. We are reminded that no matter what obstacles we may face, we can always turn to God for strength and guidance. So join us for this thought-provoking and uplifting video, and be inspired to stand firm in your own faith, no matter what challenges may come your way. Let us all follow in the footsteps of Jim Caviezel and continue to shine the light of Christ in our lives and in the world around us.



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