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Inspirational Quotes

40 inspirational Billy Graham quotes

40 life-changing quotes by American renowned evangelist, Billy Graham on how to live a victorious Christian life.

Business Ideas

Discover how Shopify can put extra money in your pocket! – The fastest way to build up your online shop

You can now use Shopify to create your own online shop using simple ecommerce software. With already created templates and custom capabilities, you...


Make it a daily habit to pray without ceasing! – The George Muller story reveals the power of prayer

Prayer is a gift so great, which any of us take for granted. Combined, prayer and faith the size of a mustard seed,...


Strive Masiyiwa secures movie distribution deal with Bishop T.D Jakes for Kwesé TV

Econet founder, Strive Masiyiwa who is Zimbabwe’s richest man, announced on his personal Facebook page his most recent partnership deal with Bishop T.D Jakes...

Inspirational Quotes

17 Quotes about determination, perseverance and commitment

17 inspirational quotes about determination, perseverance and commitment to encourage you to keep moving towards your destiny.


Increase your chances of success by finding a mentor – Gain wisdom by following the wise!

If you think you can go it alone, and don’t need any help, lay down your pride and take a step back. Finding...


The Bible says it’s better to give than receive! – Please God with your newfound generosity

Part of living out the Christian faith is to be considerate about meeting the needs of others before your own needs. Jesus said...


Three simple ways to find your purpose! – Keys to living a fulfilled life

Everyone wants to know their purpose in life. It’s a quest that follows us all, and sadly, some die without every truly finding...


Pastor Sunday Adelaja’s great transformation plan for Nigeria – Laying a new foundation for hope!

Ukrainian based Pastor Sunday Adelaja is on a mission to contribute to a positive transformation of the continent of Africa starting with the...

Inspirational Quotes

30 life-changing Bible verses to empower business owners and managers

We’ve selected a list of insightful Bible scriptures relating to financial management and leadership to empower you in the arena of business.

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