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Top Fortune 500 companies built on faith

Insight on how these remarkable Fortune 500 companies were built on hard work, persistence and Christian values.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 inspirational teamwork quotes – Highly motivational

30 inspirational quotes on the importance of building a team.


The secret of longevity by 111 year old man – “Eat well and have faith in God”

In 2012, the late, Bernando Lapallo on his 111th birthday revealed the secrets to living long.


Regrets about reality TV – Heidi Montag admits to being a negative role model

Reality TV personality Heidi Montags who became famous after being cast in the MTV series The Hills reveals how she was a bad role model.

Celebrities in Christ

How Jesus Christ saved my life by Hulk Hogan

Hall of fame semi-professional wrestler and TV personality, Hulk Hogan talks about his new connection with Jesus.


How to prophesy by Dr. Michael Maiden

Dr. Michael Maiden on what it takes to attain the gift of prophesy.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 20 inspirational Kenneth Copeland quotes – Live by faith!

Top 20 empowering quotes from Kenneth Copeland who is one of the leading televangelist in America and the pastor of Kenneth Copeland ministries.


How can you take advantage of the subconscious mind?

Fitz Houston breaks down how to successfully take advantage of the sub conscious mind to excel to higher heights.


A surprising way to be set free from self-destruction

Learn practical ways to be set free from self-destruction.

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