Home Health The secret of longevity by 111 year old man – “Eat well and have faith in God”

The secret of longevity by 111 year old man – “Eat well and have faith in God”

Image source - Voices.nationalgeographic.com and Agelesslivemorestore.com/

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    In 2012, the late, Bernando Lapallo on his 111th birthday revealed the secrets to living long.

    He credited his longevity success to having faith in God, reading books and eating healthy.

    The top five foods he regularly ate were garlic, honey, cinnamon, chocolate and olive oil.

    “(My dad) taught me how to live, how to eat and to have faith in God and he will take care of me and so far it as happened.” – Bernando Lapallo

    Relevant Bible verse 

    “If you walk in My ways, keeping My statutes and commandments, as your father David walked, then I will prolong your days.” – 1 Kings 3:14



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