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Celebrities in Christ

Meet the famous athletes who glorify God with their talents

Let this video inspire you to shine for Christ.

Celebrities in Christ

Kelsey Grammer’s testimony – God helped me beat alcohol addiction

No obstacle is too big for God. Cast your burdens on Jesus.


How to win in spiritual warfare

Let this video inspire you to bow down to your circumstances. With God all things are possible.

Celebrities in Christ

Steve McQueen accepted Jesus before he died – Watch this awesome trailer

I Accepted Christ – A new documentary movie based on the life of legendary Hollywood actor, Steve McQueen’s journey to Jesus Christ.

Strategic Advice

10 reasons why Christians should not be poor financially

You are either a slave to money or money is your slave.


The Bible in 3 Minutes! – Mind-blowing summary

The story of the entire bible summarized in 3 minutes.

Celebrities in Christ

Justin Bieber cancels tour to rededicate himself to Jesus Christ

Justin Bieber’s reason for pulling the plug on his ‘Purpose’ Tour is reportedly because he’s trying to focus more on his faith. According...


These five ex-criminals became followers of Jesus Christ – How?

We have compiled a list of ex-criminals who in the early stages of their lives committed distasteful sins but later received redemption through...


Top 10 best Christian t-shirts worth wearing

We’ve listed popular Christian t-shirt’s with cool graphic designs.

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