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150 inspiring Cindy Trimm Quotes


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    Dr. Cindy Trimm is a prominent Christian motivational speaker and spiritual leader known for her impactful teachings and bestselling books, including ‘Command Your Morning’, ‘The Rules of Engagement’, and ‘The Prayer Warrior’s Way’. Through these works, she has inspired individuals worldwide with practical guidance and spiritual insights that drive growth and action.

    As the founder of Cindy Trimm Ministries, Dr. Trimm focuses on spreading messages of hope, empowerment, and divine purpose. Her ministry addresses a range of topics such as prayer, business, financial empowerment, and career advancement, blending spiritual wisdom with practical advice for achieving success.

    Dr. Trimm’s influence extends beyond her written work. Her engaging talks and seminars have reached millions, including successful entrepreneurs and high-net-worth individuals, offering guidance on overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities. Her videos provide powerful insights and actionable advice, resonating with a global audience.

    Active on social media, Dr. Trimm uses platforms like Twitter to share motivational messages and encourage her followers. Her presence online ensures her wisdom remains accessible and impactful worldwide.

    Explore Dr. Cindy Trimm’s transformative quotes and experience the inspiration and motivation from one of today’s leading motivational voices. Her words are calls to action, invitations to discover your purpose, and reminders of the endless possibilities ahead.

    Cindy Trimm Quotes – Words of Wisdom 

    1. Stop wasting time looking for the key to success, prosperity and happiness. God had already opened the door. All you have to do is walk through it!

    2. Watch your thoughts because they eventually become your actions! Watch your actions because they eventually become your habits. Watch your habits because they eventually become your life! Powerful thinking leads to powerful living! Successful thinking creates successful results!

    3. You possess so much power inside of you to truly create the life you desire. When we know what we know, we tend to operate in confidence.

    4. If you want to take your personal power back, you need to learn how to manage your emotions.

    5. The reason why the average person never succeeds, is because every decision they make is driven by feelings, it’s driven by emotions.

    6. As long as you are allowing your emotions to dictate the decisions that you are making you will always be a victim of circumstances.

    7. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.

    8. If your life is going to change, you must think for a change. You are always only one thought away from changing your life.

    9. This is the challenge of creative thinking – as you open the spiritual channels of your mind, God can download divine, creative thoughts into your brain. Ask God to enlarge your capacity for thinking, to take the limits off.

    10. If you are feeling unfulfilled in any area of your life. Now is the time re-evaluate what you are pursuing and re-align your priorities.

    11. Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent.

    12. God created each person to be a deliverer on some level in whatever arena or sphere of influence God has positioned him or her.

    13. God will not give you an instruction, assignment, vision or dream without giving you directions, strategies and resources to bring them to pass!

    14. You are not your history or your past. You are however, what you choose to do with your present and future.

    15. The biggest breakthrough of your life will be when you realize that life truly happens from you and not to you.

    16. Your future success has nothing to do with ur natural talents, education (or lack thereof). It is God who is at work in you and through you! Don’t limit yourself or disqualify yourself from living your best life because you think you don’t have enough! God is enough!

    17. You don’t have to be great to start winning prospering and succeeding but you have to get started and order to win, prosper and to succeed!

    18. Don’t let fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your dreams. God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. Step out in faith!

    19. Don’t downgrade your vision to match your budget. Upgrade your faith to match your vision! When you do, you will see God’s provisions!

    20. All things are working together for your good! When you succeed give thanks. When you fail, fall, or falter, you will at once arise again with new strength. You will learn from all your mistakes and missteps and seek the grace of God for an alternative strategy.

    21. Step into your business with confidence!

    22. You paid for the state you presently live in with the currencies of time and energy! Be in intentional with your time! Ignore distractions and distractors! Direct your energy towards the realization of your dream, goals, vision and highest aspirations for good!

    23. Whatever you persistently hold in your mind and consistently speak out of your mouth eventually manifests in your life. Spend your day aligning your thoughts and speech with the promises of God and His vision for your life and incredibly blessed will describe a life filled with success and prosperity!

    24. Meditate on what’s positive and good! Focus on what you want and not what you don’t want, all the good that will replace the bad, blessings that will replace burdens, success that will replace failure and wisdom that will replace worry! Your physiology follows your mentality!

    25. You shall not lack nor want any good thing in this season! Don’t fret or worry!

    26. Favor will never abandon you! Success and prosperity will never desert you! Vision will never evade you! God will never leave you or forsake you! You will always live in the best, drive the best, wear the best, and work in the best field and jobs within your industry!

    27. Living with failure and in poverty is hard. Gaining success and prosperity is hard. Choose your hard!
    28. You can’t afford to stay in neutral and expect your life to change. Shift your faith into overdrive and your life will be accelerated and catapulted into new realms of power, abundance, success and prosperity!

    29. Jesus did not come to help you to escape life but so that life will not escape you! I decree abundant, joyful, peaceful, productive, healthy, disease free, drama free, debt free and depression free living is yours for the rest of your life!

    30. The Holy Spirit is your guide and provides the creativity and inspiration for you to design a life of unmatched brilliance.

    31. Don’t stop praying! The way of prayer dictates that until there is a release in your spirit-an assurance that the matter is resolved or tangible evidence of deliverance–do not stop praying.

    32. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

    33. If you do not take control of your inner thoughts, you will become a slave to your outer circumstances. You won’t be driving your life; the storms and changing weather will.

    34. No matter how far behind you feel, God has already arranged a comeback for every setback! Keep pushing.

    35. Your success hinges on what lies within your mind.

    36. You are only as strong as your ability to withstand opposition. This is what brings out the best in us! Gold is refined in the fire and your life’s beauty is revealed through the oppositions that you encounter.

    37. Your future success has nothing to do with your natural talents or lack thereof! It is God who is at work in you and through you! Don’t limit yourself or disqualify yourself from living your best life because u think you don’t have the qualifications! Be encouraged! Pursue your dreams! God is with you!

    38. Health, success and prosperity are the natural byproducts of healthy, successful and prosperous thinking!

    39. Guard your character with your life! If you lose your job it can be replaced. If you lose your money it can be replaced! If u lose it house it can be replaced! But if u lose your character all the money in the world can’t buy it back! Focus on your character! Your character is your greatest asset!

    40. Don’t live your life based on your salary but live it based on your faith in God’s ability and His willingness to supply all your need!

    41. The past is like a reference book for those who lack imagination. Envisioning the future is the blueprint for all your success!

    42. Don’t chase money, chase excellence and money will chase you!

    43. Make your goal adding value not making money. Money flows toward value! I decree money flows to you abundantly without delay as u add value!

    44. The greatest wealth any one can possess is love! The greatest gift any one can receive is love! The greatest emotion any one can feel is love! May you be loved and celebrated beyond human comprehension! Your life matters and your presence in this world really does make a difference!

    45. When you don’t have money to acquire what you want u are still going to acquire it by faith! The just shall live by faith!

    46. Relationships are a currency in the Kingdom! I’ve grown richer every day because of the relationships that God has given me! When the wrong people exit your life, wrong things stop happening and when the right people enter your life, good things start happening!

    47. Everything you want and desire wants and desires you! Don’t chase wealth and riches. Let God guide your steps and wealth and riches will chase you!

    48. As you pray for finances remember money doesn’t follow need! Money follows thoughts and ideas! God has some amazing thoughts to share with you that will help to eliminate lack!

    49. So many people live disempowered lives because they are disconnected to who they really are.
    50. Empowerment simply means that you are back in the driver’s seat.

    51. Life does not have to happen to you, you can happen to life.

    52. You’ve got to be willing to say goodbye to yesterday, hello tomorrow in order to progress.

    53. You’ve got to think beyond where you are, you got to begin to think like a visionary.

    54. You’ve got to move forward.

    55. Take the limits off, don’t limit your thoughts or imprison your creativity.

    56. People focus on where they are, what they don’t have, why people have not help them.

    57. Whatever you focus on expands.

    58. Everything that happens to you, happens for you.

    59. We are only one thought away from living the life of our dreams.

    60. Don’t spend the rest of your life sitting in therapy.

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    61. You can control the narrative.

    62. Go to where you’ll be celebrated and not tolerated.

    63. The enemy of tomorrow success is yesterday’s success.

    64. Instead of focusing on, where you are right now, what you don’t have right now, focus on where you want to be.

    65. You have power of the inside of you.

    66. God will give you a revelation on how powerful you really are.

    67. The church is the most powerful entity in the earth realm.
    68. Prayer in this season is going to be your secret weapon.

    69. We pray because we want results.

    70. Sometimes we have the wrong people in our lives.

    71. If you let go of good, then you can embrace great.

    72. You cannot hang on to the things that you don’t want and expect the things that you want to come into your life.

    73. Success comes when you are able to answer the following three questions, who am i?, why am I here?, where am I going?
    74. It Is possible for you to live in a stressful environment and not be stressed.

    75. It’s possible for you to defy odds. It’s possible for you to witness the goodness of God in the land of the living.

    76. You cannot allow people that are miserable with their lives to invite you to their party!

    77. If you can learn how to live and manage for that 24 hours, then 24 years will not be a problem.

    78. Procrastinators put off tomorrow what they should do today.

    79. Success requires you to master not only yourself but have master of the time.

    80. Don’t let yesterday’s memories interfere with today’s possibilities or tomorrow’s amazing destiny!

    81. To break a victim’s mindset: Gain a vision for your life, start where u r with what you’ve got. Dream big and trust God every step of the way!
    82. Focus more on creation and innovation rather than elimination and regret! Embody the energy of the person you want to be next and not the person you are now!

    83. There’s no wall God can’t kick down, no shadow He can’t light up, no mountain He can’t level, no confusion He can’t bring peace to and no lie He can’t reverse! Stand firm and secure in faith knowing what the devil meant for bad God will turn it in your favor and for your good!

    84. I DECLARE everything that doesn’t line up with God’s vision, plan and purpose for your life is subject to change. Sickness, struggle, lack, mediocrity, will never take up permanent residency in your life. Health, happiness, abundance, excellence, love and opportunities, will favor you!
    85. Give yourself permission to succeed!

    86. Don’t allow your past to destroy your future!

    87. You can’t grasp anything new if your hands are filled with the old!

    88. If you have the courage to leave your past in the past you will not stumble over it in your future!

    89. Let go of old pain and hurt! Greater things and better days are coming!

    90. Choose your battles wisely! Some battles you fight, but most battles step back and let God fight them for you! Let God be God! God has never lost a battle! Your enemies arms are too short to box with God!

    91. Remember you can’t fit a big dream into a small mind. Think big! Act big! Dare to live big! Go for it!

    92. Comfort is the enemy of progress!
    93. Your only as limited as your imagination!
    94. Life is simple! you get what you give. You attract who you are not who you want!

    95. Focused intensity over time, multiplied by God = Unstoppable Momentum.

    96. Heights reached by great men were not attained suddenly, but by toiling through the night while others slept.

    97. Don’t waste your energies on things and people that don’t contribute to your growth, success and prosperity.

    98. Every day wake up and give life everything you’ve got!

    99. Pursue your dreams like it’s the last bus at night!

    100. Maximize your potential so that when your life ends, life does”t owe you change!

    101. Perfectionism causes procrastination! Stop undermining your own success! This is a season for ready! Fire! Aim! Not ready, aim, fire! Go after your dreams like it’s the last bus at night! Execution is the key!

    102. A positive mindset leads to a positive life! A negative mindset leads to a negative life. No matters what u r going through, keep going and you’ll eventually end up on the other side of pain, struggle and misery! Keep the faith! Never stop believing in your dreams! God is with you!

    103. The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your life!”

    104. Value yourself! Don’t reject yourself because someone doesn’t like you! You will never be good enough, smart enough, handsome, pretty enough or educated enough for everybody! Square your shoulders pat yourself on the back because you are good enough for God! He didn’t make u flawed but fabulous!

    105. The greatest work you’ll ever do is in the place of your mind. Could things be the way they are because you are the way you are? What one thing can you change that will change everything? You can change your mind.

    106. Your fight has a purpose! What you have been through has paved the way for where God was taking you! Where there is pressure there are diamonds and where there is crushing there is oil!

    107. If you can’t think on the level of your dreams then you will never attain them! Your psychology determines your physiology.

    108. I stand to command my morning and declare it is a new day.

    109. Let every evil spirit seeking to frustrate my day and my assignment be thwarted. In the name of Jesus, amen.

    110. Let Your Word renew my mind and transform the way I live.

    111. I do not only hear the Word; I also do what it says.

    112. Blessings overtake me because I heed Your voice. Guide me continually in Your truth; teach me, for You are the God of my salvation. In Jesus’s name, amen.

    113. Dare to believe God.

    114. It is your God-given destiny to change the world, rise to new levels of success, and build a legacy of faith for the next generation to follow!

    115. This week, you shall prevail, progress, and prosper beyond your wildest dreams! God is with you, and you can not fail!

    116. The greatest act of disloyalty is failure to truly value yourself. Stop making yourself an option and others a priority!!!

    117. The greatest work you’ll ever do is in the place of your mind. Could things be the way they are because you are the way you are? What one thing can you change that will change everything? You can change your mind.

    118. Do not let anyone confine you to who you were in the past; embrace growth and evolve beyond your previous self.

    119. In this season, nothing and no one can hold you down, and nothing and no one can hold you back. It is your season of advancement!

    120. The greatest crime against yourself is failure to truly love yourself.

    121. The most devasting act against yourself is failing to acknowledge your greatness.

    122. The most heinous crime against yourself is to give up on yourself and to let go of your dreams! Don’t be found guilty of this crime!

    123. As you begin your week, believe that great things will happen and they will!

    124. You can never out-perform your current concept of self nor rise above the level of your self-worth!

    125. Believe in yourself and amazing things will happen!

    126. Trust God in all things, with all things and for all things! He will never disappoint you!

    127. It is your God-given destiny to change the world, rise to new levels of success, and build a legacy of faith for the next generation to follow!

    128. This week, you shall prevail, progress, and prosper beyond your wildest dreams!

    129. God is with you, and you can not fail!

    130. People will fail you, and you will fail others, but God will never fail you!

    131. Your week will be filled with incredible opportunities that you are gifted enough to seize. Trust the God of the gift, and you will!

    132. Stay in faith! Rest! God will take it from here!

    133. Today, you are empowered to succeed, strengthened to overcome, and favored prosper! Don’t give up!

    134. You are needed in this world! Your life really does matter! So take care of you for me!

    135. Don’t be discouraged by your current financial challenges! God will open up windows of heaven and pour you out blessings you will not be able to contain!

    136. God’s about to blow your mind!

    137. May God send destiny helpers and resources your way! May they appear quick fast and in a hurry!

    138. Faith is a superpower that transforms the ordinary into extraordinary. Faith moves mountains! Faith connects you to the realm of God where all things are possible!

    139. God can do anything but fail!

    140. God did an amazing thing when He created you! So let’s make this week as amazing as you!

    141. Power starts with prayer, is sustained by prayer, and ends with praise!

    142. Never stop learning because life never stops teaching! What has been your greatest life lesson this far?

    143. Keep believing in your God-given dreams! If God gave them to you, He will open doors for you and help you make every dream a reality!

    144. Your season of being stuck is over! You will advance and make great strides beyond this point! God will be your destiny designer and destiny helper! Go forward in faith!

    145. As you begin this week, I challenge you to think big. Go after your dreams like it’s the last bus at night! Stay focused! No challenge comes for you to suffer but to grow through the challenge! I believe in you!

    146. God is fighting for you!

    147. Don’t let hardship harden you!

    148. God is able to bless u abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work! Stay faithful! Don’t give up!

    149. Health and happiness; provision and power are on the way!

    150. Disappointment is temporary, but joy comes in the morning. Hold onto the promise of a new day filled with possibilities.

    These quotes capture Dr. Cindy Trimm’s empowering messages and are designed to inspire and motivate you as you pursue your goals and embrace your purpose. Let her wisdom guide you on your journey to success and fulfillment.

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