Home Health Top ten deadliest fast foods in the America – Stay away!!!

Top ten deadliest fast foods in the America – Stay away!!!


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    An insightful look into the top ten most deadliest fast food restaurants in America.

    In this day and age, obesity is a real and dangerous concern. Fast food consumption is on the rise and the risks to our health are increasing. While having fast food every once in a while isn’t all that bad, some meals just go overboard. Whether it’s the ridiculous amount of calories it contains or the overabundance of sodium, there are some fast food meals that should never pass your lips. Even some of the most innocent looking meals could be hiding more than we imagined.

    With a whopping 3,280 calories per serving, it would take several hours in the pool to burn this meal off. The main portion of the plate contains panko breaded crab balls mixed with cream cheese and jalapenos with a side of ranch dressing. It also comes with Samuel Adams beer battered fish and chips, hushpuppies, coconut shrimp and coleslaw. In addition to the calorie count, it also contains 50g of saturated fat, increasing your chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

    Source: The Richest (YouTube)



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