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These 10 celebrities claim their favorite book is the Bible


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    We compiled a list of ten famous individuals who are saying the Bible is their favorite book.

    “Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'” – Matthew 4:4

    1. Manny Pacquiao

    Manny - Bible

    Occupation: Boxing champion and Philline politician

    “Reading God’s Word everyday is what gives me strength. Without God I am nothing.” – Source here

    2. Donald Trump

    Donald Trump - Bible

    Occupation: Billionaire property developer and US President

    “You know what my favorite is? The Bible!” – Source here

    3. Ben Affleck

    Image source - Independent

    Occupation: Actor

    “I chose this Gospel because saying the Bible is one’s favorite book is both too glib and too broad. For this list, I leave aside questions of my own faith (which I consider a private matter), for clearly the book stands on its own as a piece of literature, philosophy, and a means to understanding our culture.” – Source here

    4. Hilary Clinton

    Image source - Vice

    Occupation – Politician

    New York Times: If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?
    Hillary Clinton: At the risk of appearing predictable, the Bible was and remains the biggest influence on my thinking. I was raised reading it, memorizing passages from it and being guided by it. I still find it a source of wisdom, comfort and encouragement. – Source

    5. Jeff Foxworthy

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    Occupation: Comedian

    “The Bible: Even if you’re not religious, you might enjoy the history and events depicted in this Jeff Foxworthy selection.” – Source here

    6. Jose Mourinho

    Jose Mourinho, Manger of Real Madrid.

    Occupation: Football mager

    In Short List magazine article “40 favourite of famous” they mention how Jose Mourinho’s favourite book is the Bible. – Source here

    7. Candace Bure


    Occupation – TV personality and actress

    “We read the Bible together and we talk about verses that can help us focus for that day. If we have a need or a worry for that day we find verses where it talks about it.” – Source here

    8. Denzel Washington

    Denzel Washington - Bible

    Occupation – Actor

    “I read from the Bible every day, and I read my Daily Word. I read something great yesterday. It said, “Don’t aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference.” – Source here

    9. Angus T. Jones

    Angus-T.-Jones - Bible

    Occupation – Actor

    “I am doing a lot of work for my church, taking an evangelism class, doing a lot of reading – mostly the Bible and things that coordinate with the Bible and go with the evangelism class.” – Source

    10. Ben Carson

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    Image source –

    Occupation – Neurosurgeon and politician

    “I was an A student at that time, but I realized at that moment that with a temper like that, my options were three: reform school, jail or the grave. None of the options appealed to me. So, I just locked myself up in the bathroom and I started praying and I said, “Lord, I can’t deal with this temper.” And, I picked up my Bible and I started reading from the Book of Proverbs. That was the first day that I started doing it, and I’ve been doing it every day since then because it had all these verses in it about anger, and it seemed like they were all applicable to me.” – Source

    Recommended Bible: Bible Experience audio – Link here 

    The Bible Experience Cast1




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