Home Top Ten Lists The top ten best-selling products of all time
Top Ten Lists

The top ten best-selling products of all time


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    These are the top ten best-selling products of all time.

    For all those who aspire to make it BIG in business pray to God to give you wisdom like he gave King Solomon in 2 Chronicles 1…….. Then go with confidence and manufacture your product and sell, sell, sell.

    The top ten best-selling products of all time

    1. PlayStation

    Play station
    > Category: Video game console
    > Total sales: 344 million units
    > Parent company: Sony

    2. Lipitor

    > Category: Pharmaceutical
    > Total sales: $141 billion
    > Parent company: Pfizer

    3. Corolla

    Carolla Toyata
    > Category: Vehicle
    > Total sales: 40.7 million units
    > Parent company: Toyota (NYSE: TM)

    4. Star Wars

    Star wars 1977
    > Category: Movies
    > Total sales: $4.6 billion
    > Parent company: 20th Century Fox

    5. iPad

    > Category: Tablet
    > Total sales: 211 million units
    > Parent company: Apple

    6. Mario Bros. Franchise

    > Category: Video game franchise
    > Total sales: 262 million units
    > Parent company: Nintendo

    7. Michael Jackson’s Thriller

    Michael Jackson - Thriller
    > Category: Album
    > Total sales: 70 million units
    > Parent company: Epic records

    8. Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    > Category: Book
    > Total sales: 450 million units
    > Parent company: Scholastic (U.S. publisher)

    9. iPhone

    > Category: Smartphone
    > Total sales: 516 million units
    > Parent company: Apple

    10. Rubik’s Cube

    > Category: Toy
    > Total sales: 350 million units
    > Parent company: Seven Towns Ltd.

    Source: 247wallst.com

    Recommend for entrepreneurs – Master of Money CLICK HERE  




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