Inspirational Quotes

25 Bible verses to encourage you to get closer to God

Do you experience feeling distance from God? or not worthy of His mercy? – If you do, meditate on these 25 scriptures on...


No more excuses! – The remarkable story of wheelchair bodybuilder Nick Scott

A car accident left Nick Scott unable to walk, but it didn’t deter him from accomplishing his ambitions from becoming a bodybuilder and...

Celebrities in Christ

Smokey Robinson – Jesus set me free from drug addiction

‘Motown’ musical legend Smokey Robins opens up about his dark past which was filled with self-hatred, drug addiction and battle with depression.


This 20 second video proves that fear is an illusion

This 20 second video confirms that fear is just an illusion, no wonder why the phrase ‘do not be afraid’ is written in...

Inspirational Quotes

20 inspirational Jordan Peterson quotes – Dare to tell yourself the truth

20 inspirational quotes about living a constructive life by Jordan Peterson who is a Canadian psychologist and public intellectual, who is professor of...


Terry Crews emotional speech – I wanted to save my mother from my father

Actor Terry Crews gives an emotional speech on how he did everything to protect his mother from his abusive father.


Be careful who you do business with! – Always do your background check or else…..

One of the keys to progress in your life is to associate with people that will add value to you. This principle also...

Inspirational Quotes

20 Bible verses to inspire you to stop procrastinating

We’ve compiled a list of empowering Bible verses that will encourage you to not be lazy.


Sunny Jacobs – The woman who discovered her purpose in prison

Sunny Jacobs is an activist who was put in prison for a crime she didn’t commit.

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