Top Ten Lists

The top ten best-selling products of all time

These are the top ten best-selling products of all time.

Inspirational Quotes

Bible verses about Faith – Meditate on these powerful words!

Cultivate and increase your faith levels by meditating on these Bible verses about faith.


Science of Fasting – A must watch documentary

Watch this insightful documentary that reveals the massive benefits of fasting including boosting your brain function.

Inspirational Quotes

Inspiring quotes about perseverance – Step into your promised land!

One of the most important ingredients to succeeding in life is the ability to persevere past hardship. Quotes about perseverance.


Before he was Africa’s richest man – How the late Bishop Benson Idahosa prophesied into the life of young Aliko Dangote

The name Aliko Dangote needs no introduction in any circles. The wealthiest man in the black race as at today and consistently so for a...

Inspirational Quotes

Faith without works is dead! – Quotes by spirit-filled leaders

Learn how to live a victorious and spirit filled life. Inspirational quotes by legendary spirit-filled leaders.


It’s never too late to start! Meet the successful late starters

Meet the ultra successful business leaders who started late. In the words of Isaiah 43-18:19, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on...

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