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Inspirational Quotes

20 Bible verses about positive thinking

Start your day with a positive attitude by meditating on these Bible verses that will encourage you to live a spirit filled life.

Strategic Advice

Why do Jewish people dominate the business world?

Rabbi Daniel Lapin the author of “Business Secrets from the Bible” reveals the secret to succeeding financially. He also explains why Jewish people...

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 greatest John Wesley quotes – The mind of a missionary

Empowering quotes from John Wesley, the iconic Anglican clergyman, evangelist, and co-founder of the Methodist movement in the Church of England.

Strategic Advice

How to set financial goals

Financial educator, Dave Ramsey on the power of goal setting.

Celebrities in ChristFaith

Phil Robertson – The power of putting God first

Duck Dynasty TV star, Phil Robertson on how to put God’s Word into practise.


Entrepreneur of the week! – How to sell coffee and preach the Gospel at the same time!

Meet the founder of Metronome Coffee,Josh Boyt. He reveals how he built a successful coffee empire whilst spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ..


How to fight against laziness

Founder of, Pastor John Piper on how to fight against laziness in the marketplace.


How to reach your promised land – Max Lucado

Best-selling author, Max Lucado on living your promised land life now.

Top Ten Lists

Top Faith based documentaries worth watching!

Top Faith based movies worth watching. – Inspirational Christian documentaries.

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