Inspirational Quotes

30 inspirational quotes to help overcome fear of change

Inspirational quotes about how to overcome the fear of failure. Many people fail to manifest their dreams into reality due to the fear...


Powerful message from U.S. Senate Chaplain Dr. Barry Black

Uplifting speech by U.S. Senate Chaplain, Dr. Barry Black at the National Prayer Breakfast.

Celebrities in Christ

A surprising list of 8 world boxing champions who love Jesus

At we’ve compiled a list of eight iconic boxing champions who have leveraged their fame and influence to proclaim Christ to the...


This Pastor is not afraid to speak his mind – “The Bible is under attack”

Meet the Pastor who is not afraid to tell the truth in a world full of political correctness.


Top 10 best pulpit stands for the church

Top best recommended pulpit and lectern stands suitable for the church.


Wow, these are the incredible benefits of fasting

The unexpected benefits of fasting.

Inspirational Quotes

Speech of the day – “Someone’s got to love people”

Epic speech by the late, Diana Spencer the Princess of Wales who was the first wife of Prince Charles. 

Celebrities in Christ

Hollywood actor, Andrew Garfield on discovering Jesus and spiritual warfare

On the Late Show with Stephen Colbert speaks to Hollywood actor, Andrew Garfield.


Amazing speech – How to make any dream come true

Life coach and Hollywood preacher, Tim Storey reveals the principles to manifesting any noble dream.

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