
How did these prison inmates transform into computer geniuses?

From prison inmates to computer geniuses.


Meet the fearless Biker Gang riding for Jesus

We head to Columbia, South Carolina, to meet James Johnson, the founder of the Disciples Motorcycle Club.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 inspirational Dietrich Bonhoeffer quotes

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and theologian who was executed at an early age due to his resistance against to Nazi dictatorship...

Celebrities in Christ

Craig Mack’s testimony – Now a born-again Christian who raps for Jesus

Ex-rapper Craig Mack who gained fame on Puff Daddy’s recording labels in the 90’s shares his testimony at church on how he transitioned...


Political correctness is dumbing down the society

YouTube personality Nigahiga created a comedy video sketch on how political correctness as become a plague in the society.

Inspirational Quotes

30 Inspirational Jack Ma quotes – How to succeed in business ethically

We’ve compiled a list of Jack Ma quotes about building a successful business and creating wealth. Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba...


Memory Champion teaches the secrets to memorizing anything

Learn how to drastically improve you memory skills from the memory champion.


How to win the war in your head – Bill Johnson

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against...

Celebrities in ChristInspirational Quotes

30 inspirational Denzel Washington quotes – The power of faith and belief

We’ve compiled a list of inspirational quotes from legendary actor and Grammy award winner, Denzel Washington.

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