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Home Inspirational Quotes 20 Inspirational quotes from Brian Houston
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20 Inspirational quotes from Brian Houston


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    Inspirational leadership from Brian Houston, founder of HillSong church and author of Live, Love, Lead.

    1. You’ll never come second by putting God first.

    2. We are called to love all people with the love of Christ, because his father loves all people, wants to bless all people; and wants to save all people.

    3. Simply put, if you want Bible results, you have to live by Bible principles.

    4. We need people who will build us up and take us forward, and good friends will do just that.

    Rare brian houston
    5. “Live it. Don’t just say it.” Brian Houston – In the early years.

    6. Having clarity was a huge advantage in life.

    7. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you have the capacity to achieve your best on your own. A training partner in the gym is a great asset because when you think you have reached your limit, there is someone who can push you to go further.

    8. The Bible tells us, “Do not despise the day of small beginnings” (see Zech. 4:10). I believe that whatever it is God has entrusted into your hand—your family, your career, your ministry—don’t count it as insignificant and don’t approach it with a lack of vision.

    Bobbie and brian houston
    9. “Bobbie and I always aspired to build a church that was youthful in spirit, generous at heart, faith filled in confession, loving in nature, and inclusive in expression.” Brian Houston

    1o. If you have nothing, there is nothing you can do for anyone else; if you have a little, you can only help a little; but if you have plenty, there is a whole lot you can do. When you are blessed, you have a mighty foundation from which to impact others. You are blessed to be a blessing.

    11. Church should be enjoyed, not endured.

    12. Great churches aren’t built on the gifts or talents of a few, but on the sacrifice of many.

    13. How often do you stretch beyond your comfort zone to reach out to people whom you are in disagreement with? The ability to enjoy a bug, spacious, openhearted life is directly proportional to your ability to love everyone, especially those who are different from you.

    14. Like Billy Graham said, “It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge, and my job to love.” Our world is full of disagreement. But thank God that our loving acceptance of people doesn’t have to be built on agreeing with them. Our loving acceptance of them is built on the cross.

    Hillsong - baptism
    15. “I never want to be one of those people whose attitude and body language convey condemnation, judgment, and condescension.” Brian Houston

    16. “I never want to be one of those people whose attitude and body language convey condemnation, judgment, and condescension.” Brian Houston

    17. When ordinary people pray, extraordinary things can happen.

    18. Find your grace zone and hold fast to your vision – we can learn and glean from others but you must be comfortable to be yourself.

    19. If your actions and lifestyle fail to line up with what you say, preach, and believe, then your message becomes irrelevant.

    20. If God wanted to condemn the world, he would have sent us a condemner. But he wanted to save the world, so he sent us a Savior (John 3:17).

    21. I believe every Christian needs to know that they are not only saved, but are also called to live a life of purpose.

    22. Follow your heart, stay true to the gift that is on your life, go forth in the strength that you have, be comfortable in your grace zone, be confident in your call – and watch as God exceeds your every expectation and leads you into a wide-open and spacious life.

    23. The plans God has for you are always bigger than you are, and they are never going to be something you can pull off easily and in your own strength.

    24. Jesus himself was the ultimate pioneer. He did what no one had ever done before or has done since: died for our sins and rose from the dead.

    Recommended book – Live Love Lead by Brian Houston – Click here 

    Live Love Lead



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