Home Interviews Interview with Beulah London founders, Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan

Interview with Beulah London founders, Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan

Image source - www.beulahlondon.com

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    Exclusive interview with Beulah London founders, Lady Natasha Rufus Isaacs and Lavinia Brennan. Beulah is a luxury London fashion brand championed by some of the world’s most influential and high-profile celebrities from Kate Middleton, Kate Moss to The Duchess of Cambridge.

    Isaacs and Brennan also shares how their business is making a positive impact in terms with social justice in it’s employment in Indian humna traficking victims.

    What inspired you to start Beulah London?

    We heard about human trafficking, and that slavery still existed in the 21st Century. We decided to spend 2 months working in an aftercare home with women who had been trafficked to learn more about the issue. We worked in a production unit during the afternoons, teaching the girls very basic skills. It was here that we witness firsthand the power of creating employment opportunities for the victims, to give them an alternative, sustainable livelihood

    Please give an example on how Beulah London has empowered the victims of human trafficking in india?

    We are working with a project called Freeset. In the past 5 years that we have worked with them, they have employed a further 50 women. We are passionate about creating employment opportunities and products that are beautifully made, but also have a social impact.

    Picture of Lavinia and Natasha working with women at an aftercare home in Delhi 2009
    Picture of Lavinia and Natasha working with women at an aftercare home in Delhi 2009

    Prior to running your business, you worked in the church (Holy Trinity Brompton), how would you say that experience helped you within your business journey?

    It was at HTB that i first heard about human trafficking and i met someone who had travelled out to Delhi, India and had worked alongside these women.

    You mentioned in various interviews online that you had no entrepreneurial business experience prior to starting Beulah, how were you able to cultivate your business skills?

    A combination of common sense and guidance from strategic mentors and board members has guided us on our journey. We have learnt so much since starting the business 6 years ago, there have been many mistakes along the way but we are hopefully much wiser now!

    On average how many hours do you work a day? 

    I get into the office at 8.30 and always try and leave at 5.30 to get back for my baby’s bath time!

    How much time would you say you devote to prayer and bible study?

    Once a week, either i go to church or i open my bible. We try and pray every week in the shop, especially when we have important meetings coming up.

    Apart from your faith in God, who would you say have been your support system, especially when you first set up the luxury brand?

    My husband has been incredible – i literally couldn’t have done it without him. He’s so wise and I go to him for advice on decision making. He’s given so much to the business behind the scenes, and I’m so grateful for that. My family have also been incredible, believed in me right from the beginning when it was only an idea.

    A lot of high profile individuals are known for wearing Beulah, please mention some to our audience?

    We have dressed many high profile women such as Donna Air, The Duchess of Cambridge, Jessica Alba, Pippa Middleton and many others. We are very fortunate to have great ambassadors who believe in the product and in the story behind the brand.

    Apart from your product range, you offer a bespoke service, please tell us more about this service?

    We have a made to order service where people can chose a different colour / or tweak a design to fit them perfectly. It’s perfect for mother of the bride, or if you’re after a really unique piece.

    What are some of the most popular clothing items within your range selection?

    Our best seller is the shibani heart scarf, we donate 10% to the United Nations blue heart campaign. It’s our constant best seller! Our sabitri style dress is also a great seller and opitimises elegance and femininity.

    Picture of celebrity actress Jessica Alba wearing Beulah London's popular blue heart scarf
    Picture of celebrity actress Jessica Alba wearing Beulah London’s popular blue heart scarf

     What has been a highlight moment in Belauh London so far?

    Being awarded a commendation by the United Nations as a business in dedication to combatting human trafficking. It was a real honour and great platform for the brand.

    You are known to be an avid reader, What are some of your favourite books?

    I love Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers – my favourite book and made me cry.

    Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
    Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

    What advice can you give to young women who want to become entrepreneurs?

    Always stay true to your original vision, and persevere. If it was easy, then everyone would do it!

    What do you aim to achieve with Beulah London in the next ten years?

    To become a global, luxury lifestyle brand creating products that are beautiful aesthetically but also have a strong social impact.

    Visit official website here



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