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Why did this former Wall Street banker build 200 schools?

Why did this former Wall Street banker build 200 schools?


The quick and easy way to forgive someone who hurt you

How to respond when someone offends you?


100 things to do at home when bored during the Covid-19 lockdown quarantine

In this video are a list of 100 fun and creative ways to overcome boredom in self-isolation lockdown due to Coronavirus pandemic.

Inspirational Quotes

Christian affirmations for breakthrough and uncommon favor – Bible declarations

Affirmations and prayer points for God’s divine favor and blessings.


10 Incredible Rags to Riches Stories

 10 inspirational people who created a financial fortune in the recession.

FaithTop Ten Lists

12 popular Christian leaders who once doubted God’s existence!

Here are 12 influential Christian leaders who once doubted the existence of God.

Strategic Advice

50 self-made billionaires who succeeded without a university degree

A list of 50 super successful business leaders who succeeded without a university education. This video is not to discredit an university education...


10 ways to stop being lazy – How to become a hard worker

We’ve compiled a list of ten practical ways to overcome laziness and procrastination.


How to be a mover and shaker in business – 16 business tips from female millionaires in Christ

Empowering business tips from super successful female business leader who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour.

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