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Mind-blowing animation of the Book of Proverbs

An animated video of the book of Proverbs.

Business Ideas

Dave Ramsey – How to set up a successful side business from home

Dave Ramsey shares practical ways to build a successful business from home.


Fearless man beautifully preaches the gospel on the NYC subway

Watch how this bold man fearlessly preaches the gospel of the kingdom to NYC commuters.


Gregory Koukl schools Deepak Chopra about the Christian faith

Deep ak Chopra vs Christian apologist (Chopra loses)


Gay bullies want Christians banned from TV

Mark Dice speaks up for Christians being attacked by gay bullies.


Why do we fear the unknown?

Fear is a prison.


10 mind-blowing Bible facts to boost your faith in God (Video)

Ten incredible Bible facts to proof the existence of God.


Insightful!!! – These are the most powerful passports in the world

Find out the countries with the most powerful passports.


Is it right for a woman to marry a younger man? – Pastor Sunday responds

Is it right for a woman to marry a younger man? – Pastor Sunday Adelaja responds.

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