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Top 10 ways to pray effectively without being bored

American pastor Francis Chan reveals ten practical ways to pray effectively and build a lasting relationship with Christ.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 40 encouraging quotes – Refuse to be discouraged by failure!

We’ve compiled a list of encouraging quotes to empower in all aspects of your life.


How to stop being jealous of others even if you don’t feel like it

Do you ever find yourself being jealous of other people’s success, especially in your immediate circle?

Strategic Advice

From homeless heroin addict to fruit juice millionaire – Khalil Rafati

Inspirational rags to riches story of Khalil Rafati who went from a homeless heroin addict to fruit juice millionaire.


Did you know that unforgiveness destroys the body?

It’s beneficial to forgive.


What are women looking for in a man?

Dr. Henry Cloud on what women looking for in a man?

Inspirational Quotes

30 inspirational Dave Ramsey quotes about financial freedom

We’ve compiled a list of inspirational Dave Ramsey quotes on how to get out of debt and soar financially.


Strategies for defeating sexual sin by Creflo Dollar

American televangelist, Creflo Dollar gives biblical strategies on how anyone can overcome sexual temptation.


How to learn any language in six months

Chris Lonsdale reveals on TEDx Talks how anyone can learn to speak a new language in less than six months.


What they don’t teach you in school

The correct knowledge is power.

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