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What I learned from the David and Goliath story – Malcolm Gladwell

How to face the giants in life and win.


How to start living your promised land life today – Max Lucado

Discover how to pursue your God-given dreams with confidence.


Inspirational video – What you think, you become

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with...

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 David Yonggi Cho quotes – The power of faith and vision

We’ve compiled a list of 30 inspirational quotes from David (Paul) Yonggi Cho, the South Korean Christian minister.


The simple way to deconstruct and master any skill – Tips from Tim Ferriss

Best selling author and motivational speaker Tim Ferriss reveals how anyone can master any skill.


Express your faith with FaithfulBand

Express your faith with FaithfulBand.


How did these prison inmates transform into computer geniuses?

From prison inmates to computer geniuses.


Meet the fearless Biker Gang riding for Jesus

We head to Columbia, South Carolina, to meet James Johnson, the founder of the Disciples Motorcycle Club.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 inspirational Dietrich Bonhoeffer quotes

Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor and theologian who was executed at an early age due to his resistance against to Nazi dictatorship...

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