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Home Inspirational Quotes 30 Mel Robbins quotes that will inspire to take action
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30 Mel Robbins quotes that will inspire to take action

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    We’ve compile 30 Mel Robbins quotes that will inspire to take massive actions towards your goals

    Mel Robbins is a successful motivational speaker, television host and bestselling author of the ‘5 Second Rule’.

    Top 30 Mel Robbins quotes 

    1. “Don’t miss out on your life just because you’re too busy scrolling through someone else’s.” – Mel Robbins

    2. “There is no right time, there is only right now.” – Mel Robbins

    3. “A decision is not made in your head, its made when you move” – Mel Robbins

    4. “Go the extra mile. It’s never crowded.” – Mel Robbins

    5. “Your life comes down to your decisions. If you change your decisions, you’ll change everything.” – Mel Robbins

    6. “Your Problem isn’t ideas.Your PROBLEM is u don’t act on them.” – Mel Robbins

    7. “Turn off the TV and start investing in your life” – Mel Robbins

    8. “If you are going to doubt something, doubt your limits.” – Mel Robbins

    9. “In order to do all those things you know you want to do with your life, you have to do things that are difficult, uncertain or scary.” – Mel Robbins

    10. “If you only ever did the things you don’t want to do, you’d have everything you’ve ever wanted.” – Mel Robbins

    11. “Knowing what you need to do to improve your life takes wisdom.Pushing yourself to do it takes courage.” – Mel Robbins

    12. “If you change nothing, nothing changes.” – Mel Robbins

    13. “Things don’t happen to you, they happen FOR YOU!” – Mel Robbins

    14. “Your doubts create mountains.  Your actions move them.” – Mel Robbins

    15. “The time is now. Stop hitting the snooze button on your life.” – Mel Robbins

    16. “The moment you have an instinct to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will stop you. 5 4 3 2 1 Go!” – Mel Robbins

    18. “If you have a problem that can be solved with action, you don’t have a problem.” – Mel Robbins

    19. “Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with your hands shaking. Just start.” – Mel Robbins

    20. “Be strong.  You never know who you are inspiring.” – Mel Robbins

    21. “Perspective changes everything.  What you take for granted someone else considers a luxury.  Spend a little extra time being grateful for what you have today.” – Mel Robbins

    22. “That thing that you want, you’ve convinced yourself that you’re ‘fine’ not having it.” – Mel Robbins

    23. “It’s not about making it perfect, it’s about taking action, getting a result, and adjusting accordingly.” – Mel Robbins

    24. “The simple way to figure out who you are and what you want is to start aligning yourself with things that energize you.” – Mel Robbins

    25. “You need to recognize that the risk of moving toward your dreams is much lower than the slow, everyday punishment you inflict on yourself by suppressing your dream.” – Mel Robbins

    26. “There will always be someone who can’t see your worth. Don’t let it be you.” – Mel Robbins

    27. “You need to hear this loud and clear: No one is coming. It is up to you.” – Mel Robbins

    28. “You Are One Decision Away from a Completely Different Life.” – Mel Robbins

    29. “That’s the problem with so many adults, we’re all focused on getting it perfect, instead of trying. What ever happened to good enough?” – Mel Robbins

    30. “Start before you’re ready.” – Mel Robbins

    If you like the quotes above, I recommend you read her book titled The 5 Second Rule

    Mel Robbins – Official website 

    Official Twitter – Link



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