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30 inspiring quotes about self-discipline


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    One of the most crucial ingredients to becoming a success in any endeavour is the ability to be self-disciplined.

    Hebrews 12:11 emphasises that self-control is required when it comes to reaping lasting achievements. If you struggle in being dedicated to your vision, hopefully the quotes below will encourage you.

    30 inspirational quotes about self-discipline

    1. “The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.” – Vince Lombardi

    2. “I don’t believe that an all-wise and loving God would implant in us destructive behaviors. Those behaviors or habits were learned after we were born. The package we were born with did not include those items. Most of our habits, behaviors and personality traits were learned and I believe that anything that can be learned can be unlearned or changed.” – Garold N. Larson

    3. “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Never pity yourself. Be a hard master to yourself-and be lenient to everybody else.” – Henry Ward Beecher

    4. “Discipline is doing what needs to be done even when you don’t want to do It.” – Zig Zigar

    5. “Do first what you don’t want to do most.” – Clifford Cohen


    6. “Be ruthless in one important area: Yourself. Be ruthless about your commitment to Christ. Be ruthless about your intellectual growth. Be ruthless about finishing well. One of the biggest areas we should be ruthless about is our time. How much time do you spend complaining about your problems to people who can’t help you solve them? How much time do you talk when you should be doing? When it comes to others, be gracious. But when it comes to you and your time, be ruthless.” – Phil Cooke

    7. “My definition of discipline is doing what you hate to do, but do it like you love it.” – Mike Tyson

    8. “Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    9. “Before complaining that you are a slave to another, be sure that you are not a slave to self. Look within … You will find there, perchance, slavish thoughts, slavish desires, and in your daily life and conduct slavish habits. Conquer these; cease to be a slave to self, and no man will have the power to enslave you.” – James Allen

    10. “In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It’s not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently.” Tony Robbins


    11. “Freedom is born of self-discipline. No individual, no nation, can achieve or maintain liberty without self-control. The undisciplined man is a slave to his own weaknesses.” – Alan Valentine

    12. “This quality of self-denial in pursuit of a longer-term goal and, indeed, the willpower to maintain the denial, is excellent training for the boardroom.” – John Viney

    13. “The individual who wants to reach the top in business must appreciate the might and force of habit. He must be quick to break those habits that can break him—and hasten to adopt those practices that will become the habits that help him achieve the success he desires.” – J. Paul Getty

    14. “Self-discipline begins with the mastery of your thoughts. If you don’t control what you think, you can’t control what you do. Simply, self-discipline enables you to think first and act afterward.” – Napoleon Hil

    15. “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” – Jim Rohn

    16. “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” – Jim Rohn

    17. “If we don’t discipline ourselves, the world will do it for us.” – William Feather

    18. “It doesn’t matter whether you are pursuing success in business, sports, the arts, or life in general: The bridge between wishing and accomplishing is discipline.” – Harvey Mackay

    19. “I don’t count my situps, I only start counting when it starts hurting, when I feel pain, that’s when I start counting, cause that’s when it really counts.” – Muhammad Ali

    Muhammad Ali - bible quotes

    20. “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.” – Muhammad Ali

    22. “The first and best victory is to conquer self.” – Plato

    23. “You can never conquer the mountain. You can only conquer yourself.” – Jim Whittaker

    24. “I think the guys who are really controlling their emotions … are going to win.” – Tiger Woods

    25. We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit – Aristotle

    26. “My will shall shape my future. Whether I fail or succeed shall be no man’s doing but my own. I am the force; I can clear any obstacle before me or I can be lost in the maze. My choice; my responsibility; win or lose, only I hold the key to my destiny.” – Elaine Maxwell

    27. “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” – Hebrew 12:11-13 (NIV)

    28. “He who has conquered his own coward spirit has conquered the whole outward world;” – Thomas Hughes

    29. “The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.” – Michael E. Gerber

    30. “I think self-discipline is something, it’s like a muscle. The more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.” – Daniel Goldstein




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