Home Celebrities in Christ 15 inspirational Manny Pacquiao quotes – Warrior for Christ!
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15 inspirational Manny Pacquiao quotes – Warrior for Christ!


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    Empowering words of wisdom from boxing champion and warrior for Christ, Manny Pacquiao.

    1. I remember as a little boy I ate one meal a day and sometimes slept in the street. I will never forget that and it inspires me to fight hard, stay strong and remember all the people of my country, trying to achieve better for themselves.

    2. The most important thing … is the name of the Lord. The name of the Lord will be glorified. I want to let the people know that there is a God who can raise people from nothing into something. And that’s me. I came from nothing into something.

    3. Being a Christian means accepting Christ as your savior, your God. Thats why you are called a Christian. If you remove Christ, theres only ian and that means I am nothing.

    4. Anyone will succeed in whatever field of endeavor in life by acquiring the same virtues and character that boxing world champions do – dedication, perseverance, courage, extreme self-discipline and prayers.

    5. Theres 3 things you need to remember in boxing, work hard, work harder, and work hardest.

    6. In the morning, I wake up at about 6 a.m. and I run for about 45 minutes, then more sprinting. Then I go back home, I eat and I sleep. When I wake up, I train.I do about three hours in the gym.

    7. I’ve always fought for my country, in my own way, showing that Filipinos are a strong people and can do anything that they put their minds to.

    8. I want the people of the Philippines to be happy, even if they have nothing.

    9. My heart wants to read the Bible, wants to obey God. When you have Jesus in your life, when you have God in your life, like the thing in this world is not important to your heart. The more important is God in your heart. That’s how God changed my life.

    10. I’m not against gay people… I have a relative who is also gay. We can’t help it if they were born that way. What I’m critical off are actions that violate the word of God. I only gave out my opinion that same sex marriage is against the law of God.

    11. I mean, Jesus lives in me so I’m always happy. Says the Bible, everyday has enough troubles of its own, so don’t be bothered about that.

    12. It’s just a game. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. – Source AZ Quotes

    13. My success is not about the wealth and fame. I am most concerned with my relationship to God, which is the most important. – Source AZ Quotes

    14. Even in my prime, I need God in my life because without God, we’re nothing.

    15. All those who are around me are the bridge to my success, so they are all important.



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