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Home Success What does it take to become a champion in long distance running? – Mo Farah’s training schedule

What does it take to become a champion in long distance running? – Mo Farah’s training schedule

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    Champions are not born but cultivated, find out what it takes to become victorious in long-distance running.

    Mo Farah is a British long-distance runner who mostly competes over 5000 metres and 10,000 metres, and has also run the marathon.

    He was a gold medallist in the 5000 m and 10,000 m at the 2012 Summer Olympics and the 2015 World Championships in Athletics.

    Mo Farah’s typical training schedule 

    Mo farah typical training week


    AM: 10-mile recovery run (6:00min/mile pace)
    PM: 6-mile recovery run

    Mo Farah
    Mo Farah


    AM: 4-mile warm-up run; 8-12mile tempo run anywhere from 4:40 to 5:00min/mile pace (depending on altitude and terrain); 3-mile cool-down run
    NOON: Strength and conditioning session (1 hour)
    PM: 6-mile recovery run


    AM: 12-mile recovery run, followed by a massage.
    PM: 5-mile recovery run


    AM: 11-mile recovery run
    PM: 5-mile recovery run


    AM: 4-mile warm-up jog; 10x200m intervals (with 200m recovery jogs) on grass in 29 seconds each rep; 10x200m hill sprints at equal effort, walk back down to recover; 4-mile cool-down run.
    NOON: Strength and conditioning session (1 hour)
    PM: 4-miles easy


    AM: 11-mile recovery run, massage
    PM: 6-mile recovery run


    AM: 22-27 miles, no slower than marathon race pace + 1 minute (for Mo, this means 5:40min/mile)

    Total: 126-135 miles per week

    Source – Trainingarunner

    Mo Farah wins men’s 5000m run video London Olympics 2012

    Mo Farah’s daily diets 

    Breakfast (7am) 

    Breakfast was coffee and cereal, normally Frosties, as I really like them -probably a little too much! However they gave me my much needed sugar rush to get me through the early part of each day.

    Lunch (12pm) 

    I’m not really a big eater of large meals – more several small little plates during the day. But if I had a lunch, it tended to be pasta, steamed vegetables and grilled chicken.

    Dinner (8pm) 

    Dinner would be the same again – pasta, steamed vegetables and grilled chicken. I realise it doesn’t sound too exciting, but for someone doing my pursuit it was absolutely the right thing to eat. It’s an exciting life I lead!

    Source: BBC 



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