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Be careful who you marry! – She murdered her husband for money


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    In 2002, a tragic incident occurred in Manila, Philippines, as a British businessman named Steven Alston Davis was murdered on a hot summer night. This event proved to be a life-changing event for his mother, Margaret Davis, as she dedicated herself to solving the mystery behind her son’s death.

    Despite her relentless efforts to piece together clues and evidence, the case remained unsolved for years, leaving Margaret with a consuming sense of loss and a burning desire for justice. Every ounce of time, effort, and money she had was poured into the investigation, which became the focus of her life.

    As the investigation progressed, it became clear that Steven’s wife, Evelyn Bohol, was at the center of the investigation. Her actions and statements would prove crucial in unlocking the secrets surrounding Steven’s death.

    In summary, the murder of Steven Alston Davis had a profound impact on his mother, Margaret Davis, who dedicated her life to uncovering the truth about her son’s death. Evelyn Bohol’s involvement in the case would become central to the investigation, as the search for justice continued.



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