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Recommended audiobook of the week: The Bible Experience


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    If you are the sort of person who prefers to listen to audio books rather than read then I highly recommend you take the time to invest in the Bible Experience, which features 400 African-American actors who beautifully translate the N.I.V Bible to audio. This is ideal for traveling, whether through commuting to work, driving or just listening in your leisure time.

    Bible Experience synopsis:

    The most ambitious, critically-acclaimed presentation of the Bible ever produced, “Inspired By …The Bible Experience” features a star-studded cast of almost 400 performers, including 23 Grammy winners, 8 Emmy winners, 5 Golden Globe winners, and 3 Oscar winners. Highlighting the cast is 2007 Academy Award-winning actor Forest Whitaker as the voice of Moses, along with Angela Bassett (Esther), Cuba Gooding, Jr. (Jonah), Denzel and Pauletta Washington (Song of Songs), LL Cool J (Samson), Eartha Kitt (Serpent), Bishop T.D. Jakes (Abraham), Blair Underwood (Jesus), Samuel Jackson (God, NT only), and Bishop Eddie L. Long (Joel) among others.”The Bible Experience” uses Zondervan’s most accessible and up-to-date translation, Today’s New International Version (TNIV), and includes dramatic performances set to an original musical underscore by the Prague Symphony Orchestra and Hollywood-style sound design created at Technicolor Studios. “The Bible Experience” has become not just the bestselling audio Bible, but also one of the all-time fastest-selling new Bibles.



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