FaithInspirational Quotes

Bible scripture of the week – Psalm 103

This week’s selected Bible scripture of the day is Psalm 103. Let this chapter remind you that we have a loving God who...


Watch this before you marry – How to choose the right person

If you are single and desire to get married watch this video.


How to live in joy according to the Bible

The Bible Project latest video illustrates the truth definition of Biblical joy and how to apply it in ones life.

Strategic Advice

10 ways to raise startup capital for your business – Freddie Achom

Today, if you interview people randomly why they have not implemented their business ideas into a successful Business, a significant portion will likely...


The science behind why people procrastinate – Tim Urban

Inside the mind of a professional procrastinator.


Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales on a mission to stop fake news

Wikipedia founder, Jimmy Wales goes after fake news with his new media platform Wikitribune.


The ‘Paul Apostle of Christ’ movie trailer looks good

The ‘Paul Apostle of Christ’ movie teaser trailer.


How to study the Bible, when it seems boring? – Watch this

If you struggle with reading your bible, watch this video on how to become a passionate reader of the Word.


Meet Stephen Wiltshire, the human camera – Documentary

We are all created with incredible potentials.


Selena Gomez shares her emotional testimony – I’m a child of God

Popstar and actress Selena Gomez tearfully shared her testimony about her relationship with God at this year’s Hillsong conference, held in Los Angeles.

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