
Richard Montanez – God gave him the idea to create Hot Cheetos

Richard Montanez shares his remarkable testimony on Praise The Lord Salsa Style.

Inspirational Quotes

40 quotes to inspire positive change

We’ve compared a list of 30 inspirational quotes about the need for positive change and growth.


Christian singles looking for love – Documentary

Strictly Soulmates takes a fun, entertaining and emotional look at the real life trials and tribulations of a group of singletons trying to...


How to stop being jealous of people

Do you find yourself feeling bitter and envious when others are reaching higher levels of success?


How mass media controls society – Free yourself from this bondage!

Alan Watt, G Edward Griffin and Gerald Celente breaks down how the controllers use mass media, sports and entertainment to control the population.


The power of a united family – Watch this

You can achieve excellence in unity especially within a nuclear family, this video proves it.


23 practical ways to increase your happiness

Many people have sent us email asking, “What can I do to become happier?”, so we decided to give tips on this issue.


The Biblical way to cleanse your mind from toxic thoughts – (Backed by scientific studies)

Find out practical ways to cleanse your mind from toxic thoughts.

Celebrities in Christ

Joel Osteen preaches the Gospel to hollywood actor Morgan Freeman

In this video clip American televangelist Joel Osteen preaches the Gospel to Hollywood actor Morgan Freeman.

Inspirational Quotes

30 inspirational quotes on self discipline – Strengthen your willpower

We’ve compiled a list of 30 inspirational quotes on the importance of living a self-disciplined lifestyle.

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