
What happens when you are saved and depressed?

In this Shade Room episode three influential Christian women share their experiences of being a Christian whilst battling with mental health.

Strategic Advice

How Dr. Sunday Adelaja raised 200 Christian millionaires – Inspiring video

Inspirational video on how Dr. Sunday Adelaja raised 200 Christian millionaires who started from meager beginnings.


Holy Land – Startup Nation – Documentary – (Doing business in Israel)

 Watch this documentary titled The Startup Nation which gives insight on how Israel has the most tech startups and venture capital per...

Inspirational QuotesRelationships

21 Stephan Labossiere quotes on finding love

Here is a list of 20 Stephan ‘Speaks’ Labossiere on how to attract love in your life and build a successful relationship.


The secret formula to discovering your passion – Scott Harrison

In his 20’s Charity: Water founder Scott Harrison had all the money and material possessions someone could ask for but gave it all...


Master of Money! – Break free from financial lack!

Available at the Smart and Relentless shop.


How to be filled with joy and overcome anxiety – Timothy Keller (sermon)

Tim Keller breaks down the Biblical way to receive joy and overcome anxiety.


How to stop feeling inferior to others – Nobody is better than you!

If you struggle with feeling inferior to other people, watch this video to gain deliverance from the destructive emotion.


A must watch! – The secrets to regaining your lost years – Dr. Sunday Adelaja

Discover the secrets to reclaiming all the time you’ve wasted in the past. It’s not a good feeling to grow older without the...

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