Strategic Advice

Must read business books worth reading

Must read business books worth reading for every entrepreneur especially Christians.


The architecture is amazing – Church building

Take a tour into the First Dallas campus, the architecture is amazing.


Kenneth Hagin’s classic faith sermon – You can have what you say!

Inspiring sermon by the late Kenneth Hagin who gives insight on the power of faith and our confessions. In 1981 he preached a...

Strategic Advice

Epic advice – Peter J Daniels on how to soar like an eagle in business

If you aim to succeed in business you need to watch this.

Inspirational Quotes

21 inspirational quotes about failing forward

21 inspirational quotes about failing forward towards your goals. Be encouraged to learn from temporary setbacks.


Exclusive interview with David and Jason Benham

We interviewed David and Jason Benham, the dynamic twin authors and entrepreneurs who built one of the most successful real estate niche companies...

Inspirational Quotes

Meditate on these empowering words! – Start your day with these uplifting Bible verses

Meditate on these Bible verse/affirmations – Be inspired to turn dream to reality with the Power of Christ.


The Dave Ramsey story – Documentary

Find out how Dave Ramsey went from struggling financially to becoming a multi-millionaire and best selling author by sharing biblical principles on how to manage...

Celebrities in ChristFaith

Denzel Washington – Bible study

Hollywood actor, Denzel Washington advises aspirational actors/actresses on how to realize their dreams and potential.

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