Strategic Advice

Break free from corporate slavery and financial bondage! – Ideal for entrepreneurs

Master of Money – The Hidden Secrets to Wealth Creation by Sunday Adelaja (Over 40 hours of audio)

Inspirational Quotes

40 popular self-help quotes taken from the Bible

The Holy Bible is “the Word of God”, revealing the relationship between God, human beings and the purpose of Creation. The book consists...

Celebrities in Christ

Words of wisdom by Denzel Washington – “Put God first in everything you do”

Hollywood actor, Denzel Washington shares the secret behind his success and the importance of walking in faith.

FaithInspirational Quotes

The Bible says you should not discourage people but encourage! – Read this verse

The Holy Bible instruct us all to encourage and uplift those who are weak whether emotionally or spiritually. This is why we must...


How to become a morning person – Practical tips by Michael Hyatt

Author and former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Michael Hyatt shares nine practical tips on how to become a morning person.


This one piece of advice can transform your life! – The great secret of success

One of the most effective ways where people find personal fulfilment in life is when they make progress towards reaching their goals. Nobody wants to...


Do not be deceived! – What is the difference between New Age and Christianity?

Steven Bancarz explains his journey from running a successful ex-New Age blog to becoming a Christian after having a personal experience of Jesus.

Celebrities in ChristInspirational Quotes

100 inspirational quotes by Christian celebrities

We’ve compiled a list of 100 empowering quotes by celebrities and athletes who believe in Jesus Christ. Be inspired to profess your faith...


Steve Harvey’s morning Inspiration – There’s power in faith and perseverance!

Television host, Steve Harvey reveals the secret principles behind his success in media and how you too can become successful in your calling.


How to be truly HAPPY and break free from depression! – (Must watch video)

Find out practical ways on how to become happy on purpose. Learn effective tactics to break free from a miserable and disempowering state...

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