Celebrities in Christ

What historical figures say about Jesus (Video version)

Find out what these famous historical figures said about Jesus.


The quick and easy way to discover your passion

Life coach and Hollywood Pastor, Tim Storey reveals the keys to finding your passion.


The shocking truth about living a happy life

How to become truly happy.


What to do when you are over 30 and still single?

The truth about living a single life.


How did these school kids build a plane from scratch?

This inspiring story how school kids build a plan demonstrates the truth about the scripture Genesis 11:6, “If as one people speaking the same...


Women being trained to be good wives in Russia

Life coach, Alesya Terekhova runs a school called Woman Inside, where she trains young women on how to enter into a healthy marriage and...

Inspirational Quotes

This poem should inspire you to never give up and live in victory

Do you need encouragement?, if so, read this inspiring poem.


Team work works! – How did this God-fearing couple make millions following their passion?

How did this God-fearing couple build a successful business following their passion.


How to stop caring about what people think of you (Video)

Paul McGregor reveals simple strategies on how to stop worrying what people think about you.


Talent of the week – Incredible street drummer

Epic performance of a street drummer. Be inspired to work on your craft until you perfect it.

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