
This hymn is so uplifting!

What a wonderful hymn to sing early in the morning.


What does it take to leave a lasting legacy?

Discover what it takes to leave a lasting legacy that you are proud of.


Documentary of the week – The musical genius

Proof that our mind potential is limitless. Learn to utilise your God-given ability like Derek Paravicini.

Celebrities in Christ

5 Hollywood movie clips of famous actors reciting Bible verses

Five clips of famous actors reciting popular Bible verses in epic Hollywood movies.


The fast and easy way to declutter your mind

What does it take to renew your mind?

Celebrities in Christ

Highly inspirational – Tyler Perry on what it takes to receive maximum blessings

Multi-millionaire film producer, Tyler Perry reveals the key behind his mega success. Find out how you too can tap into your blessing.

Inspirational Quotes

20 uplifting Bible verses about God’s love and forgiveness

Many believers struggle to understand the extent of God’s love. It is common for many to believe His love is dependent on our...


How to be bold as a lion

Life coach, Jodi Aman reveals a practical ways to become more courageous.


Top ten deadliest fast foods in the America – Stay away!!!

An insightful look into the top ten most deadliest fast food restaurants in America.

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