InspirationStrategic Advice

Former drug addict now runs a million dollar cleaning company

Don’t let your past limit your future. Learn to utilise the resources God has given you and move forward.


Five amazing benefits of drinking water

These are five amazing reasons why you should drink water daily to drastically improve the quality of your life.

Celebrities in Christ

“The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase is now a preacher

WWE hall of famer, “The Million Dollar Man” Ted DiBiase shares his testimony. Find out how he transitioned from celebrity wrestler to preaching...


Could this be the greatest Christian rap song of all time?

Incredible Rap song about God’s creation by British lyricist, Dwayne Tryumf.


A must watch – Actors reveal the unbelievable sacrifice it takes to play a movie role

Hollywood actors and actresses reveal the sacrifices it takes to become a movie star.


Devon Franklin – How to stop wasting time

Hollywood film producer and pastor, Devon Franklin gives insight on how to regain lost time at the Potter’s house church at OneLA.

Inspirational Quotes

Top 30 inspirational quotes about courage

We’ve compiled a list of 30 quotes to inspire you to live a courageous life.


These five foods make you feel sleepy – Avoid them

Here are five foods to avoid during the day that make you feel sleepy.


From porn star to pastor – The truth will set you free

There is light at the end of the tunnel.


This documentary reveals how private prisons make big profits

The shocking business models of prison.

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