
21 day brain detox – Cleanse your mind from negative thoughts

Dr Caroline Leaf reveals how anyone can completely detox their brain in 21 days from lies, insecurities and disempowering beliefs.


Watch this talented boy sing Amazing Grace – Unbelievable!

The little Jotta A. This is the greatest revelation of Brazilian gospel music! Jotta, performed in a children’s music festival, and thrilled thousands...


Pamela Anderson – Pornography destroys

Actress and glamour model, Pamela Anderson speak up against how pornography destroys true intimacy and relationships.


Q&A with Bishop T.D. Jakes – How to build your dreams from the ground up

Bishop T.D Jakes interviewed by Steven Furtick on how to translate your God-given vision into a reality and his new book titled ‘Soar’...


Church is not limited to a building! – Watch this inspirational video

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus commanded his followers to make disciples of all nations, but many Christians instead have the opposite mindset of focusing...


Pastor Carl Lentz defends the Bible in Breakfast Club interview

Hillsong New York Pastor, Carl Lentz speaks about the word of God and grace on the secular radio show, Breakfast Club.

Celebrities in Christ

Little Richard turns away from the homosexual lifestyle to follows Jesus

Rock and roll icon, Little Richard shares his testimony with Three Angels Broadcasting Network, on how he traded his former homosexual lifestyle to become...

Celebrities in Christ

Mel Gibson on the power of prayer and turning the other cheek

The Christian Post interviewed “Hacksaw Ridge” director Mel Gibson about World World II hero Desmond Doss, turning the other cheek and the power of...

Inspirational Quotes

Quote of the day – Stop waiting on God, God is waiting on you!

This weeks quote of the day is from life coach and pastor, Derek Schneider on why Christians must learn to be proactive in...

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