
4 ways to go beyond your comfort zone – Step into your promised land

In the Bible, the words “do not be afraid” are mentioned 365 times. The emotion of fear is the number one destiny killer....


Top 10 baptism gifts ideas on a budget

Here is a list of top ten baptism gift ideas for your friends and family on their baptism day.

FaithInspirational Quotes

Don’t go on hunger strike, know the heart of God about fasting in ‘Isaiah 58’

If you want to know the mind of God and what He really cares about, read our selected Bible chapter of the week...

Strategic Advice

Meet Britain’s youngest millionaire – How I made my fortune at 17′ whilst studying

Find out how this 17 year old made a fortune whilst studying for his A-levels.


Three simple ways to find your purpose! – Keys to living a fulfilled life

Everyone wants to know their purpose in life. It’s a quest that follows us all, and sadly, some die without every truly finding...


Dr. Ben Carson – No one’s brain is better than yours

Watch this inspiring old video footage of top brain surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson as he explains the power of the human mind and how...


This video will inspire you to fight for justice

Do you fight for justice or ignore the injustice that you see?

Celebrities in Christ

Denzel Washington on giving up drinking and reaching young people with the Gospel

Actor and Grammy award winner, Denzel Washington reveals to Christian Post his new life-transformation from giving up drinking to reaching young people with...


Top 10 most dangerous jobs in the world

According to these are the top ten most dangerous jobs in the world.


Dr. Elizabeth Wayne – How to hack our immune cells to fight cancer

Biomedical engineer, Dr. Elizabeth Wayne speaks at TED on how to hack our immune system to fight cancer.

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